Untill version 9 (901v00_09.20140903-1400) of the Extlib the following call of DAS worked with no problems: …/api/data/collections/name/WLUConByUNID?systemcolumns=0&compact=true&count=1000&search=([CompanyState] CONTAINS MA) AND ([LastName] CONTAINS SMITH*). We have just updated to the last version (10th - 901v00_10.20141105-0922), and start to receive the following error:
code: 400,
text: “Bad Request”,
message: “Limit exceeded. Cannot read more than 100 entries.”
If you change the count to 100, you get 100 entries, but the correct search result is 808 entries. We had to rollback to version 9.
Is there any work around ?