All these talks at the coffee machine that you don’t want to send thru mail. It could be of interest to everybody so instant messaging is out of the question. This is where Small Talk helps. Fast and easy add your posts direct in the database, or thru a mobile device. Add Small Talk to your Lotus Notes client Sidebar and post from there. The sidebar function is also auto updated so you don't miss a thing.

Small Talk supports reply of posts, Twitter like Hash Tags, @UserName signs and also a Like Button. Everything to link your content together and enrich it. Small Talk can be used for Sales updates, Development updates, latest news and probably more your imagination sets the limit.need
You need 8.5.3 and Upgrade Pack 1 or the a equal Extension library release. On server and client.
Check out the Live Demo Here -->
To create a post, use the lock at the top to login using your openntf account, a button called "User Profile" will appear.
Click on this to create you user profile , write an alias, upload an image click on save and then close.
a New Post button should appear. Write you post!!!