Date Name Downloads
Feb 18, 2016 myWebGate 2.22 323
Jun 16, 2015 myWebGate 2.21 253
May 5, 2015 myWebGate Version 2.2 147
Jul 19, 2013 myWebGate Version 2.0 557
Jan 25, 2013 myWebGate Version 1.3 364
Nov 3, 2012 myWebGate Version 1.2.1 359
Oct 1, 2012 myWebGate Version 1.2.0 336
Jun 25, 2012 myWebGate Version 1.1.0 395
Jun 3, 2012 myWebGate Version 1.0.0 255
myWebGate Version 1.2.1
myWebGate Version 1.2.1
Nov 3, 2012
Apache License

Change List for Version 1.2.1

- Added basic support for Internet Explorer (tested with IE 8. Do NOT use compatibility mode). Profiles in read and edit mode and also the news stream will now render properly in Internet Explorer. The micropublisher in the news stream will allow you to post status messages.
Please note that we do not recommend using Internet Explorer. Some features are still not supported by this browser due to missing functionality. Uploading photos is not supported. There are still some known issues when using Internet Explorer.
- Fixed a css styling issue in the micropublisher, where the upload button did not display properly.
- Fixed various java issues in the newsstream renderer.