Social Business Toolkit SDK - 20130416
Social Business Toolkit SDK - 20130416
Apr 16, 2013
Apache License

What's New

  1. Reusable controls
    1. Grids which display data from IBM Connection Communities, Files and Profiles
    2. Work with Dojo versions 1.4.3 or higher
    3. Associated samples available in Playground or Sample Framework
  2. Playground
    1. Import snippets from GitHub
    2. Import for documentation database
  3. Persistent token store using RDBMS
  4. Credential store implementation
  5. New sample framework
    1. Tree outline
    2. Code editing
    3. Preview using iFrame
    4. Launch preview in new tab
  6. Improved ACME Airlines sample application
    1. Isolated social features
    2. Display colleagues that have already booked flights
    3. Snippets available in sample framework for social features


Improvements & Fixes

  1. JavaScript API's
    1. Documentation updates
    2. IE compatability fixes
    3. JQuery bridge fixes
    4. Client side authentication functions (Basic & OAuth2.0)
    5. Conditional Handling of http 403 in Endpoint.js
    6. Theme property to the custom authentication dialog
    7. New Wrappers
      1. ActivityStream (Connections: UpdatesFromUser, NotificationsForMe, NotificationsFromMe, ResponsesToMyContent, MyActionableView, MySavedView, Search, SearchByQuery, SearchByFilters, SearchByTags)
      2. Files (Connections: MyPinnedFiles, PinFile, RemovePinFromFile)
    8. New samples
    9. Changes for supporting Dojo Async
    10. Extended Endpoint and Proxy classes to support full urls
  2. Java SPI's
    1. Documentation updates
    2. Java based authentication page using a popup window
    3. New Wrappers
      1. ActivityStream (Connections: MicroblogEntries, UpdatesFromMyBoard, MySavedView, MySavedViewForApplication, MyActionableView, MyActionableViewForApplication, ResponsesToMyContent, NotificationsFromMe, NotificationsForMe)
      2. Profiles (Connections: SearchProfiles, ReportToChain, DirectReports, SendInvite, AcceptInvite, DeleteInvite)
      3. Files (Connections: Upload)
      4. Files (SmartCloud: FilesSharedWithMe, MyCollections, CollectionsSharedWithMe, FilesInsideFolder)
    4. New samples
    5. Made ClientService more robust when the endpoint is empty
  3. Configuration
    1. file to be loaded from user.home directory
  4. Playground
    1. Fixed bug in Preview servlet to use the POST-redirect-GET pattern
    2. Improvements to run UI controls with the correct theme