IBM Web Content Manager (WCM) provides a rich content experience for producing, managing and displaying web content. Project requirements are often met using the core product capabilities and typically very little coding, however a full web API is available for addressing more repetitive tasks or complex situations.

This sample and the associated article ( have been put together to show how IBM Web Content Manager can be used programmatically to display content using commonly available programming techniques.

Note: Please read the linked documentation for prerequsites prior to installation.

Installation Instructions

Using the Config Wizard The Config Wizard allows to install the PAA using a guided user interface. Please read more about how to use it here

Install using the command line

  1. Download and unzip the SampleWCMAPI.paa package and make it available on the hard drive, for instance/opt
  2. Open up a shell or command prompt and change into the config engine's directory
  3. Install the PAA using the config engine's install task. Don't forget to provide the username and password as shown below.
    ./ install-paa -DPAALocation=/opt/SampleWCMAPI.paa -DWasPassword=WAS_PASSWORD -DPortalAdminPwd=PORTAL_PASSWORD
  4. Deploy the PAA using the config engine's deploy task. Don't forget to provide the username and password as shown below.
    ./ deploy-paa -DappName=SampleWCMAPI -DWasPassword=WAS_PASSWORD -DPortalAdminPwd=PORTAL_PASSWORD

Uninstall using the command line

  1. Open up a shell or command prompt and change into the config engine's directory
  2. Remove the PAA using the config engine's remove task. Don't forget to provide the username and password as shown below.
    ./ remove-paa -DappName=SampleWCMAPI -DforceRemove=true -DWasPassword=WAS_PASSWORD -DPortalAdminPwd=PORTAL_PASSWORD
  3. Uninstall the PAA using the config engine's uninstall task. Don't forget to provide the username and password as shown below.
    ./ uninstall-paa -DappName=SampleWCMAPI -DforceRemove=true -DforceUninstall=true -DWasPassword=WAS_PASSWORD -DPortalAdminPwd=PORTAL_PASSWORD