<u><strong>Mail Delay Agent - Released on OpenNTF under the Apache Licence</strong></u></div>


Credits : This application was developed by Andrew Champion ( mostly code ) and Sean Cull ( mostly UI ).

Git Repository : https://bitbucket.org/focul/apache-mail-delay-agent

Support : This is an opensource application. Support may be available via the project page on OpenNTF or commercially via sean.cull@focul.net


Licences :&nbsp;


This application is licenced under the Apache Licence

This application also uses the OpenNTF OpenLog project which is also under the Apache Licence - <a href="http://www.openntf.org/projects/pmt.nsf/ProjectLookup/OpenLog">http://www.openntf.org/projects/pmt.nsf/ProjectLookup/OpenLog</a></div>


<u><strong>Purpose :&nbsp;</strong></u></div>


This application delays mail messages by a defined period.<br/>
The application was developed to address a use case where a workflow on one server was sending emails to users who then followed doc-links to another server.&nbsp;</div>

As the workflow document had not yet replicated to that server then the doclinks would fail.</div>


We looked at this problem and decided that we needed to delay the emails by about 30 minutes. This same problem applied to a number of applications so we wanted to build a generic tool that could be used.


We also need a tool that could be integrated into the existing databases as easily as possible. Some of these databases used formula language.


Scheme :


Instead of sending the email to the recipient it is sent to the &quot;Mail Delay Agent&quot; database via its mail in address.

The subject line contains all of the required information for it to be processed in the following format.


A scheduled agent runs periodically ( say 30 minutes ) and checks the nerwly arrived mail.

The subject line is parsed and the mail queued for sending.


When the time is correct the email will be sent.


Note that with a 30 minute interval an email scheduled for a 30 minute delay could in fact be delayed for between 30 and &nbsp;59 minutes depending on when the agent runs.


Subject and SendTo are required parameters in the subject line, the rest are optional.&nbsp;


Subject=Whatever you like~SendTo=andrew.champion@focul.net,sean_cull@focul.net~CopyTo=Glen.Urban@focul.net, Andrew Champion/TS13/FoCul~BlindCopyTo=andrew.champion@focul.net~Delay=60



Subject = anything

SendTo= &nbsp;(comma delimited for multiple)

Copyto = (comma delimited for multiple)

BlindCopyTo = (comma delimited for multiple)

Delay = &nbsp;(Integer Value)


separated by ~ &nbsp;(This is configurable and should be set as a keyword to what the system is expecting)



Setup :




The application needs to be signed by a user who is able to run actions


Only the admin team should have access to the application as it will contain copies of the emails




The agent should be scheduled to run every 30 minutes or so.