Firebug JavaScript Mirror tool addon provides a 'Mirror JS'panel to mirror javascript code in Firebug script panel, user can set a map file to mirror key word in JavaScript to more meaningful word.
For iNotes, all source code are obfuscated and key word is not easy to understand, which causes user hardly debug through Firebug during customization developing. Through this Firebug add-on, customer can map key word to meaning word in the iNotes JavaScript code using the iNotes map file ObfuscationList.txt which store in Form9.nsf. User can also leverage another Firefox add-on JS Deminifier ( to beautify the obfuscated JavaScript code.
1. Launch Firefox and install this add-on from local file
2. Open Firebug, go to Script panel, then 'Mirror JS' panel in right side
3. Select map file if you have not, then mapped JavaScript code display in 'Mirror JS' panel.
Shu Qiang Li is the developer, Niklas Heidloff only committer.