First off - this application has no affiliation with Teamstudio what so ever.

Basically I wrote this to to provide a way of managing the projects a little better than the CIAO/ Build Manager applications do.

  1. Rename a project - renames the project for the CIAO config document and all associated log entries.
  2. Rename a database - renames the database title and all associate log entries.
  3. Delete a project and all associated log entries.

    If I or Matt get the time …
  4. Provide a way to delete the project, log entries and the log database.
  5. Ability to select a project and move all the log entries to a new log - useful if logs become too large.
  6. A scheduled check (and update? ) on the DBID to ensure the DBID is current.
  7. An audit option for build manager… audit promotion documents, paths checking for file names, promotion location, refresh options. It won't allow admins to force settings but could at least audit settings to avoid 'abuse' by people.
  8. A log reporting facility to collate logs and provide more analysis that is currently available.

    This has only been tested on one CIAO/Build Manager install - which is all I can really do. So try it on a test project first before running it against you latest project :-)

    There is a Win32 progress bar used so it won't work on Linux - might fix that as well.