• I added 3 bugs, have a couple more issues

    By symetrik design 2 decades ago


    I added 3 bug reports to 1.7b yesterday after an upgrade of 800 users over the weekend from standard mail template to OpenNTF1.7b, and 180 last weekend.

    I realize that you are not doing any more development for the R6 mail templates, but I wanted to put those items in there in case you had or had not heard of them before.

    I found two more issues today.

    1. A person with several hundred folders could not be upgraded because the mail convert utility didn't upgrade the folder design properly, and when I tried manually to upgrade the folders, when building the list of folders to be upgraded, we reached the dreaded 64k byte limit so no folders could be upgraded. I realize that this is not an OpenNTF1.7b mail issue.

    2. The 3rd column on the ($Follow-Up) view

      has this code:

      @Replace(Categories;"H":"V":"P":"C":"PC":"T";"Holiday":"Vacation":"Projects|P":"Clients|C":"Phone Calls|PC":"Travel|T)")

      Shouldn't it be:

      @Replace(Categories;"H":"V":"P":"C":"PC":"T";"Holiday":"Vacation":"Projects":"Clients":"Phone Calls":"Travel)")
    • Yup, working on 8 now...

      By Vince Schuurman 2 decades ago

      … so there won't be another R6.5 based release. (not unless it's sponsored anyway ;-) )

      Isn't it time you upgraded to 7?

      • By symetrik design 2 decades ago

        > Isn't it time you upgraded to 7?

        Oh come on Vince, surely you have worked with a diverse enough range of companies to know that that question is a bit invalid in the real world.

        I'm wondering if you would accept a 1.7c template that we are modifying to fix a couple of bugs. After all, that is how open source software works.

        • Sure I still have 6 clients as well..

          By Vince Schuurman 2 decades ago

          .. just think it's a bit late in the lifecycly to migrate toward the 1.7 template.

          If your template is fully functional (with all the openntf features) we could put it here, as you say that's what open source is for :)

          Just mail it to me and i'll check it out!
