• Sample for referencing a JPG attachment in Resources in masthead HTML

    By Bruce E Stemplewski 2 decades ago

    Can any one supply an example of referencing a JPG attached to the Resources tab and using it in the Masthead HTML on a skin?

    • Example

      By Jamie Jenkins 2 decades ago

      After attaching the file (image.jpg), the code would look like this:

      Where/Example/Test.nsf is the database and/Skins/73UMYF/$File/image.JPG is the resource, which you can get from the resource tab.

      Hope that helps.

      • By Bruce E Stemplewski 2 decades ago

        Thanks Jamie,

        I was just up here to post that I figured it out. I was wondering how to obtain the URL but that is generated for you after you save the skin and get back to the resources tab.