• No Document Link + Personal Calendar Entry

    By André Zimmer 2 decades ago


    first of all: Great work!

    Unfortunately i have two problems:

    • There is no document links in the mails. Just the following text:

      (Document link: Database 'vacation request', View 'Leave calendar', Document 'Vacation')

      The user who creates the request is able to see the document link. But the Approval Manager, the Leave Administrator and the CCs only see the text as stated above.

    • After updating the personal calendar the vacation entry is only shown for the first day of the vacation. Is there a way to use an All Day Event so that the entry is shown over the whole vacation period?

      I would be grateful if you could help me with that!

      Thanks in advance,

    • Is Everybody on Notes?

      By Bob Brodsky 2 decades ago

      André ,

      Thank you for your interest in Vacation Request!

      As far as the doc links (or lack thereof) it sounds like some of your users are getting their mail after it goes through a gateway to another mail system. Is everybody on Notes? I have not seen this behavior before. Please reply with any other information you can provide.

      Yes, the personal calendar entries are only for the specific day (not just the first day) on which the button was clicked in the Vacation Request calendar. There is no way I could attempt to duplicate all of the logic for repeating appointments in Vacation Request, hence, this compromise. Also, please note that busytime is reserved (an appointment) only if the vacation is for the person in whose calendar the event is being captured (otherwise a reminder). I chose to not use the all day event since vacation need not be only for full days.

      Two choices here: click the button on each day of the vacation in the Vacation Request calendar or (my preference) after getting the first day of the vacation period in your personal calendar update it with appropriate repeat details.



      • By André Zimmer 2 decades ago

        Hi Bob,

        i solved the document link issue. It is important to have the "Format preference for incoming mail" set to "Keep in sender's format" in the user settings. Otherwise document links won't work.

        Okay, i understand your arguments regarding the calendar entry. It's not a big problem here since the busytimes will be booked correct.

        Thanks for help!


        • GREAT!

          By Bob Brodsky 2 decades ago


          Glad to hear of your success! I thought about the MIME setting in the Person doc after I replied.
