• Allow the users to change the default font size in E-mail

    By Mike D Rosenbaum 2 decades ago

    Several of my users have asked if we change change the default font size on new E-mails and replies. This can be changed in the memo & reply fields but it has to be done with the designer client. I would like it added to the user preferences in the OpenNTF tab that would allow the users to choose the default size of the font in new E-mail messages and replies.

    Thanks in advance.

    • It can be done by a simple Hotspot Button

      By Gopala Paruchuri 2 decades ago

      Got several requests to increase the font size. Googled it and found 2 scripts. 1 for Increase font size and another one for Decrease the font size

      These scripts increases or decreases the font size all over the lotus notes(It is almost like zooming in or out the lotus notes) and my users are FULLY Satisfied with these scripts.

      1 for Increase font size

      Create a mail with Create–>Hotspot–>Button (Call it as increase the font) and select the lotusscript and paste the below script) and send it to the user

      Suggest them to click on Yes Button and it shows the message "You will need to restart Notes before this change takes effect" Click on OK button and Restart the Lotus Notes Client.

      If they are still not satisfied with the font change, they can again click on the button to increase the font size.

      Script for Button–>

      Sub Click(Source As Button)

      Dim session As New NotesSession<br/>
      Dim currentSettingString As String<br/>
      Dim response As Integer<br/>
      Dim dSetting As Double<br/>
      currentSettingString$ = session.GetEnvironmentString( &quot;Display_font_adjustment&quot;, True)<br/>
      If CurrentSettingString = &quot;&quot; Then<br/>
          response% = Messagebox (&quot;Your Notes font size is currently set to the default. Would you like to set it to +1 ?&quot;_<br/>
          &amp; &quot; (This will make all your Notes text appear slightly larger than it is now)&quot;, 36, &quot;Increase Font Size?&quot;)<br/>
          If response% = 6 Then ' User clicked Yes<br/>
              Call session.SetEnvironmentVar (&quot;Display_font_adjustment&quot;, &quot;1&quot;, True)<br/>
              Messagebox &quot;Your Notes font size has just been increased to +1. You will need to restart Notes before this change takes effect.&quot;, 64, &quot;Restart Notes Client&quot;<br/>
          End If<br/>
          dSetting = Cdbl(CurrentSettingString)+ 1 <br/>
          response% = Messagebox (&quot;Your Notes font size is currently set to: +&quot; + CurrentSettingString +&quot; . Would you like to set it to +&quot; + Cstr(dSetting) + &quot;?&quot; &amp; &quot; (This will make all your Notes text appear slightly larger than it is now)&quot;, 36, &quot;Increase Font Size?&quot;)<br/>
          If response% = 6 Then ' User clicked Yes<br/>
              Call session.SetEnvironmentVar (&quot;Display_font_adjustment&quot;, Cstr(dSetting), True)<br/>
              Messagebox &quot;Your Notes font size has just been increased to +&quot; + Cstr(dSetting) + &quot;. You will need to restart Notes before this change takes effect.&quot;, 64, &quot;Restart Notes Client&quot;<br/>
          End If<br/>
      End If<br/>

      End Sub

      2 for Decrease font size

      Follow the above steps to create the button and paste the below lotusscript

      Sub Click(Source As Button)

      Dim session As New NotesSession<br/>
      Dim currentSettingString As String<br/>
      Dim response As Integer<br/>
      Dim dSetting As Double<br/>
      currentSettingString$ = session.GetEnvironmentString( &quot;Display_font_adjustment&quot;, True)<br/>
      If CurrentSettingString = &quot;&quot; Then<br/>
          response% = Messagebox (&quot;Your Notes font size is currently set to the default. No changes made.&quot; )<br/>
          Exit Sub<br/>
          dSetting = Cdbl(CurrentSettingString) - 1 <br/>
          response% = Messagebox (&quot;Your Notes font size is currently set to: +&quot; + CurrentSettingString +&quot; . Would you like to set it to +&quot; + Cstr(dSetting) + &quot;?&quot; &amp; &quot; (This will make all your Notes text appear slightly smaller than it is now)&quot;, 36, &quot;Decrease Font Size?&quot;)<br/>
          If response% = 6 Then ' User clicked Yes<br/>
              Call session.SetEnvironmentVar (&quot;Display_font_adjustment&quot;, Cstr(dSetting), True)<br/>
              Messagebox &quot;Your Notes font size has just been decreased to +&quot; + Cstr(dSetting) + &quot;. You will need to restart Notes before this change takes effect.&quot;, 64, &quot;Restart Notes Client&quot;<br/>
          End If<br/>
      End If <br/>

      End Sub