• Error by click to folder structure

    By Dimitri Sosin 1 decade ago


    i have an error message after I changed templates from normal mail 85.ntf to team templates.

    Lotus Domino Version 853. Client Version 853 FP2.

    This happed always if I try to change folder from inbox to any folder which I created before.

    Thank you and bstrgs, Dimitri


    • This is not a defect of the template,but a known issue when changing mail-templates

      By Jens-B. Augustiny 1 decade ago

      Hi Dimitri

      Thanks for your submission. This is not a defect of the LN-Teammail Template. This happens all the time, if you are updating a MailFile with a new template - even with official templates and happens with existing Folders. You have to manually update the folder design. There is an agent for you under "Aktionen - Administration - Ordnergestaltung aktualisieren" to do that. Alternatively, you may delete and rebuild the folders.

      The reason for this "error" is: custom folders will not be updated by a design change, hence, they have still the old code and are trying to run routines from the old scriptlibraries, which obviously are no longer available after the update.