• Rich text editor

    By laurent abcdef 2 decades ago

    I would like to integrate the rich text editor with attachement and image feature

    Would you please send me the template



    • Done

      By Benedict R Poole 2 decades ago

      Laurent has integrated the rt editor and sent a modified template back to me. I will upload this once I get a chance to look at it.

      Thanks Laurent!

      • Another idea

        By laurent abcdef 2 decades ago

        There is a ton of new features possible to add, but there is one which can increase the numbers of visitors and theirs interests in a wiki : An visual index of pages, with title, abstract, and a picture (similar to http://news.google.com)

        I give the required code, but some modification are required.

        If there is one or more volunter, I will post the following codes

        • HTML Parser, to find an URL image in the html body
        • HTML parser, to get abstract
        • Image Retriever
        • Thumbnail generation code
        • Thumbnail attachement