• View Leave Request Description

    By andy coteman 2 decades ago

    Nice system,

    However might have found a small bug.

    When a vacation request has been processed and approved, if you click the

    document link from the email "Leave to be approved for xxx" it takes you


    the leave request. but that leave request has already been approved. If you

    click Save & Close it returns an error message.

    "Cannot Execute the specified command"

    It not a fatal error since you can press Esc and it closes the document OK,

    it's just when you click Save & Close.

    A request if i may ! When creating a Leave Request and you choose a

    different leave type it would be great if you could also see the full

    description of the Leave Type i.e DNT - Dentist Appointment. This

    will make it easier to ensure the person selects the correct leave

    type without having to memorise the codes.


    • Fixed in Next Release

      By Bob Brodsky 2 decades ago

      Hi Andy,

      Thanks for caring about us.

      In the next release the Action Buttons on the LeaveRequest form will have new Hide-when's which will, hopefully, display only the Revoke button for an Approved Request (until after the StartDate when there will be no Action buttons). I am also planning to add a link to the "Leave Approved" workflow message that takes you to the first AnnualLeave doc (the one in the Calendar) as opposed to the LeaveRequest doc (it does not make it to the Calendar) that started the whole process.

      Leave Type Code descriptions will also be displayed on the LeaveRequest and AnnualLeave documents.

      Thanks again,
