• Can you have multiple wiki's and use tags etc

    By David Parsons 2 decades ago

    Just wondered if this is more of a stand alone wiki or can it be part of a structure that can link and search each other.

    i.e multiple departments or teams have their own wiki.


    • Not exactly, but close...

      By Dave Parillo 2 decades ago

      Out of the box, it's doesn't support the kind of Team or project wiki - like you see in Twiki, but it is very easy to modify dominowiki to get something close. There is an example at Ben's wiki:


      The page describes some changes from the standard 1.1 template. The part relevant to you are the namespaces. Instead of throuwing an error if an unrecognized protocol is used, This prototype instead assumes it's a page name and generates pages of the form namespace:pagename.