• Unexpected runtime error

    By Patrick Kwintensson 1 decade ago


    Unexpected runtime error

    The runtime has encountered an unexpected error.

    Error source

    Page Name:/home.xsp
    Control Id: _id3


    Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
    javax.faces.FacesException: Can't instantiate class: 'org.openntf.news.http.core.ConfigCache'.. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openntf.news.http.core.ConfigCache
    Can't instantiate class: 'org.openntf.news.http.core.ConfigCache'.. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openntf.news.http.core.ConfigCache
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openntf.news.http.core.ConfigCache
    class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.openntf.news.http.core.ConfigCache


       1: #{javascript:
       2: var output = "";
       3: var types:java.util.ArrayList;
       4: types = configCache.getTypes();
       5: if (types != null) {
       6:    var it = types.iterator();
       7:     for (; it.hasNext();) {
       8:          var type = it.next();
       9:          output = output + "";
      10:     }
      11: }
      12: output
      13: }
    err; this worked yesterday :-?


    • Probably a Domino/Designer bug

      By Jesse Gallagher 1 decade ago

      From the looks of it, that's most likely this bug: http://dontpanic82.blogspot.com/2011/12/classnotfoundexception-with-new-java.html - namely, sometimes the Java design element can be a bit wonky. I believe, though, that it was fixed in one of the 8.5.3 fix packs... if nothing else, I haven't run into that problem lately in my 8.5.3FP2 installs.