• how to attach more than one files.

    By Massimo Tresa 10 years ago

    Good day,

    I need to know how to specify (in the Excel file) more than one file to attach.

    Please can you help me please ?


    • ,

      By David Turner 7 years ago

      Hi Massimo,
      Please review the User Guide and Example spreadsheet.
      The 'Attachments' column in your spreadsheet can be specified with wildcards (* or ? etc) (see: Windows Wildcards).

      Or you can specify files by separating full file paths with a Pipe character (|).,
      Hi Massimo,
      Please review the User Guide and Example spreadsheet.
      The 'Attachments' column in your spreadsheet can be specified with wildcards (* or ? etc) (see: Windows Wildcards).

      Or you can specify files by separating full file paths with a Pipe character (|).