• Add an option to Value PIckers that allows for Values not in the predefined list.

    By Henry Newberry 1 decade ago

    This property ('AllowNewValues'?) would add an data entry area below the pick list that then gets added to the document.

    When the picker is use to edit an existing list that has a value not in the list, it should be automatically added to the list just during that process so that the value is not inadvertently lost.

    Like Notes, it is up to the programmer to determine if the value is added permanently going forward.


  • Should not be too hard...

    By Philippe Riand 1 decade ago

    This is probably not very hard to implement.

    1- For an extra editbox, it needs a new dojo class with the associated template (see the resources/dijits directory in the extlib project)
    2- For extra values set on the server side, it needs a new provider that delegates to another one (similarly to the bean provider) and that adds static values to the list.
We have no plan to do any of these right now but if you're willing to submit an implementation, I'll ba happy to take it.