• Disable request function?

    By Flo L 2 decades ago


    We want to use this Tool for our project team not only for the vacation requests, but also to keep track of where everyone is at the moment…

    That is the reason we would only need the request/ approve function for vacation requests (or maybe even completely disabled)? Does anybody see a chance to disable this function for certain/ all types of absence?

    Thank you all very much in advance!


    • Make Everyone an Admin

      By Bob Brodsky 2 decades ago

      Hi Flo,

      Thanks for your interest in Vacation Request!

      Interesting question.

      Try granting the Admin role to all your Vacation Request users in an instance used to keep track of where they are. Then they can approve their own requests and it's a one step process. Others can still be notified via mail if desired. Another instance can be used normally for real Leave/Vacation.

