• Security Icons

    By Dave Leigh 2 decades ago

    One of the more frustrating things about the standard Notes template is that it doesn't prominently display the security of the document as Outlook does. I've modified my mail template to display icons when the document is signed, private, or encrypted (with either Notes or S/MIME encryption).

    For familiarity on the part of Outlook users, encryption is denoted with a blue lock, signatures with a red ribbon, and "Keep Private" with an enlarged version of the key icon.

    Here's what my implementation of the feature looks like: http://www.cratchit.org/Images/SecurityIcons.jpg My icons are http://www.cratchit.org/Images/encrypt.gif and http://www.cratchit.org/Images/sign.gif

    This implementation is just a table with the images and some hide formulae based on $KeepPrivate, $EncryptionStatus, and $SignatureStatus. Clicking on an icon gives a little more information about the status.

    • Security Icons

      By V Mody 2 decades ago
    • Security Icons

      By Cedric Blanchard 2 decades ago
    • Security Icons

      By Sean Harris 2 decades ago
    • Test implementation

      By Dave Leigh 2 decades ago

      I did a test implementation of this (mostly I copied it from my existing one)

      You can get it at http://www.cratchit.org/download/OpenNTF_ME_SecureIcons.zip (3.80MB)

      I updated the icons, it looks a lot better than before, and all the elements are combined in to one spot. Instead of separate lock, cert, etc, it combines certificate, envelope, and key elements into one displayed icon.

      Here's an example with everything turned on: http://www.cratchit.org/Images/OpenNTF_ME_with_SecureIcons.png

      Changes are:

      Added (secure_icons) subform.

      Added Image Resources (all that begin with "CERT_")

      Modified Memo, Reply, and Reply with History forms to add computed subform that calls "(secure_icons)". The only reason this is a computed subform is to keep your forms from looking icky in the designer.

      You'll want to triple-check my hide formulae on the subform. This mod has been working for me in both R5 and R6, but I might not be using it to full potential. Also, you will NOT want to refresh from this template, as I did this in R6. Just open it in designer and copy the elements over. Or you can just open up the template, click "New Memo" and play with your Delivery Options to get a feel for it. The pertinent options are Sign, Encrypt, and Prevent Copying.