• Problem with customized Send button in mail template

    By Kelly Loth 2 decades ago

    I have the requirement to go through each sendee of a mail (whether it be a group or an individual) and count how many people are going to receive the e-mail. If the total number is greater than 50, I need to prompt the user to agreeing that they meant to send it to that many people. I get the code to count and to prompt, as well as to send the e-mail. My problem is that it will not save the e-mail if the user either chooses to save it (if their preference is to always prompt on send) or save it automatically (if their preference is to always keep a copy). I have checked to make sure the saveoptions flag is set to "1" (and it is), so I am at a loss. Below is my code. Anyone see the issue?


    Use "CoreEmailClasses"


    Dim prompt_title As String

    Dim prompt_message As String

    Dim view As NotesView

    Dim nab_db As NotesDatabase

    Dim nab_view As NotesView

    Dim nab_doc As NotesDocument

    Dim counter As Integer

    Sub Click(Source As Button)


    Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace

    Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument

    Dim session As New NotesSession

    Dim totalList() As String 'array of all the entries in the to, cc, and bcc fields

    Dim totalListCounter As Integer

    Dim doc As NotesDocument

    Dim db As NotesDatabase


    Set uidoc = workspace.CurrentDocument

    'set the message box's title and message prompt

    prompt_title = "Send to Large Audience?"

    prompt_message = "Please be advised, you are sending this email to a large audience. Continue?"

    counter = 0

    Set db = session.CurrentDatabase

    Set doc = uidoc.Document

    totalListCounter = -1

    'Gather all of the entries in the to field into the TotalList array

    new_counter = -1

    If doc.GetItemValue("EnterSendTo")(0) <> "" Then

     Forall i In doc.EnterSendTo<br/>
    totalListCounter = totalListCounter + 1<br/>
    Redim Preserve totalList(totalListCounter) As String<br/>
    totalList(totalListCounter) = i<br/>
    End Forall<br/>

    End If


    'Gather all of the entries in the cc field into the TotalList array

    If doc.GetItemValue("EnterCopyTo")(0) <> "" Then

     Forall i In doc.EnterCopyTo<br/>
    totalListCounter = totalListCounter + 1<br/>
    Redim Preserve totalList(totalListCounter) As String<br/>
    totalList(totalListCounter) = i<br/>
    End Forall<br/>

    End If


    'Gather all of the entries in the bcc field into the TotalList array

    If doc.GetItemValue("EnterBlindCopyTo")(0) <> "" Then

     Forall i In doc.EnterBlindCopyTo<br/>
    totalListCounter = totalListCounter + 1<br/>
    Redim Preserve totalList(totalListCounter) As String<br/>
    totalList(totalListCounter) = i<br/>
     End Forall<br/>

    End If


    'Get a handle onto the nab

    Set nab_db = New NotesDatabase(db.Server, "names.nsf")

    Set nab_view = nab_db.GetView("($VIMGroups)")


    'call the function that will count the number of users the email will be going to

    temp = resolveGroups(TotalList)


    'if the number returned > 50, ask if the user still wants to send the message

    If temp > 50 Then

     answer = workspace.Prompt(PROMPT_YESNO,prompt_title, prompt_message)<br/>

    'If they still want to send the message, call the email core class to send the message and

    'close the window

     If answer = 1 Then<br/>
    doc.ActionInProgress = MEMO_SEND<br/>
    Continue = True<br/>
    Call uidoc.FieldSetText(&quot;useApplet&quot;, &quot;True&quot;)<br/>
    Call cMemoObject.QuerySave(Continue)<br/>
    If continue = True Then<br/>
        Call uidoc.Close<br/>
    End If<br/>
     End If<br/>

    'if the total amount <= 50, call the email core class to send the message and

    'close the window

    doc.ActionInProgress = MEMO_SEND<br/>
    Continue = True<br/>
    Call uidoc.FieldSetText(&quot;useApplet&quot;, &quot;True&quot;)<br/>
    Call cMemoObject.QuerySave(Continue)<br/>
    If continue = True Then<br/>
         Call uidoc.Close<br/>
    End If<br/>
     End If<br/>

    End Sub

    Function ResolveGroups(groupnames As Variant)

    Dim session As New NotesSession

    Dim abdoc As NotesDocument

    Forall i In groupnames

    'if the entry being evaluated is = to All, automatically set the return value to 51

    '(higher than the max allowed to be sent without the message)

     If i = &quot;All&quot; Then<br/>
    ResolveGroups = 51<br/>
                     Exit Forall<br/>
     End If<br/>
     'check in the nab to see if the current entry is a group.  if it is, check each member<br/>
     'entry to see if there is a group nested.  if yes...recall the function.  Each member<br/>
     'found will be added to the counter<br/>

     Set can_name  = session.CreateName(i)<br/>
     Set abdoc = nab_view.GetDocumentByKey(can_name.Common)<br/>
     If Not abdoc Is Nothing Then<br/>
    If abdoc.HasItem(&quot;members&quot;) Then<br/>
        group_names = abdoc.members<br/>
        Call resolveGroups(group_names)<br/>
    End If<br/>
        counter = counter + 1<br/>

    'if at any point during the process the counter gets greater than 50, stop executing

    'the function

        If counter &gt; 50 Then<br/>
        Exit Forall<br/>
        End If<br/>
    End If<br/>

    End Forall


    'send the total found back to the main process

    ResolveGroups = counter


    End Function

    • And what has this question to do with the !!Help!! Project

      By Thomas Schulte 2 decades ago

      you search help for a mail template specific problem. so this question is better asked at notes.net.
