• How to block calendar entry?

    By Pablo Alfonso 2 decades ago


    Is it possible in the Lotus calendar to block users to add entries to a calendar at a specific time?

    For example: people have access rights to your calendar and are allowed to add a calendar entry from 7:00 Am to 2:00 PM. Before and after are not allowed.

    It is possible to schedule a time and even highlight the function for prompting users that they are not allowed. BUT, the users will get a message with the option 'create any way' yes/no. So the users can still create any entries.

    Is there a way to solve this? Maybe, to modify the prompting message with no yes/no option?



    • Why is that useful?

      By Bruce Kahn 1 decade ago

      Before I suggest an answer I have to ask why you would not want people (presumably your AAs) to book during non-work kinds of hours? Even if you do not prevent them and just ask "Hey, are you sure you want to do this outside of work hours?" it seems a bit of an odd need.

      As for can it be done, yes it can but it requires you to create custom script to put on the C&S forms. The script would check the work hour from the Calendar Profile in the same dB and if the user is not the owner of the Calendar Profile then you could put up a nag dialog.
