• Linking to pages with spaces in the page title

    By paul trower 2 decades ago

    I had posted these entries at the bottom of another series of posts but decided to re-post them as I didn't want them to get overlooked.

    I am looking at this product for the first time and wondered if there had been any developments regarding the ability to link to pages whose titles' don't have underscores and are not camel case ?

    I have found this 'messy' workaround, eg if your page is called 'page 2' then this works:

    [http://domain.name.com/ptest/paulwiki.nsf/pages/page%202 page 2]

    The problem with that though is that the URL is hardcoded in. Here we have more than one domain, is it possible to do a relative link in this way? Or can anyone simplify the code ?

    One other thought I had is that I can merge the above with some code that utilises either the or

     tags in some way.

    However I have never used these tags.

    Can anyone give me an example of how to use these tags ?

    Is it possible to put javascript inside these tags ?

    Just something like javascript:('hi') to start with ?

    Many Thanks


    • Thanks for the post...

      By Benedict R Poole 2 decades ago

      … I'm still giving some thought about the best way to deal with page titles with spaces. I appreciate your input!