• The lookup of telephonenumber fails

    By Hans Holt 2 decades ago

    When you transfer responsibility of a ticket to another person, the other person will show as CN=Hans Holt/O=Convergens and the lookup of the telephone number fails.

    I have added the following code to make up for the problem:

    picklistback = FetchSupporter(Wksp,DB,MessageslistitemNotExists(messageslist, "msgTicketDSelSupporter",2))

    If Isempty(picklistback) Then<br/>
        Exit Sub<br/>
    End If<br/>
    ' selected a supporter go on and change the document<br/>

    ' NEW CODE

    Evalstring = |@Name([Abbreviate];&quot;| + picklistback(0) + |&quot;)|<br/>
    picklistback = CheckAndEvaluate(Evalstring)<br/>

    '*** END of NEW CODE

    • thanx ...

      By Ulrich Krause 2 decades ago

      for fixing this issue.