I have created a popupmenu displaying entries using a repeat tree node and within that I have a basic leaf node.
The popup displays nicely but when I try an connect a server side event to the leaf node it des not seem to work, only client side seem to work.
I am trying to set a scoped variable when I click a node and after that reload the dynamic content like this
There is an onClick event in the leafnode but this only seem to work with client side events
There is a onItemClick event on the popupmenu (in all properities) but the serverside script I put in this does not seem to do anything. but I do not get any errors
If I go to the events tab on the popupmenu and enter server side script in the onItemClick I get errors.
anyway, I guess the popupmenu events is not important here as it is in the leafnode I need to trigger the server side events.
I wish I could send you mail with picures instead of writing a novel in the forum.
any ideas?