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BlogSphere - Feature Request: Use Relative URLS when building urls in database

Using relative urls will help the people like myself when the web server is running on a port other than 80. No specific port configuration would be necessary.

Areas to update: (number of occurrences in parenthesis)
$$ViewTemplate for plinks (3)
subformcomment_en (1)
SubFormEnterComments (2)
SubFormEnterTrackBack (1)

Also, update the following $$Return fields to
db := @ReplaceSubstring(@Subset(@DbName; -1); "\\"; "/");
"[" + db+"]"

Client - StoryRsponse|StoryResponse
Web - Story|Story
Web - BlogRoll Links|Block_Links
Web - BlogRoll Category|BlogRollCat
Web - Photo Album|Album
Web - Edit Comments|StoryResponse

I think that sums up the changes I made.

Taken Actions by Owners

In this field you can enter the actual request.

You can use the rich text editor for rich text formating. You can also enter HTML to embed objects, e.g. to embed a YouTube video or a screenshot of the project. In this case use '[' and ']' to mark the passthrough HTML as such.

Please note that the first time you use the new UI your description is converted from rich text to MIME. You might want to copy and paste the raw plain text from the old UI in the new UI so that you don't loose information.
In this field owners can describe what they have done or want to do.

You can use the rich text editor for rich text formating. You can also enter HTML to embed objects, e.g. to embed a YouTube video or a screenshot of the project. In this case use '[' and ']' to mark the passthrough HTML as such.

Please note that the first time you use the new UI your description is converted from rich text to MIME. You might want to copy and paste the raw plain text from the old UI in the new UI so that you don't loose information.