Will the XPages Toolbox soon be extended/updated for 8.5.3 or is there/will there be any new tool for performance monitoring XPages applications?
We have several cases where Xpages applications performs extremely slowly for some users - while working faster for other users at the same time. This may vary for several identical databases on a server where there is nearly no load and just 5-10 users. Opening an XPages application in the Notes 8.5.2 or 8.5.3 client may vary from 2-3 seconds to 20-30 seconds when previously opened and 20 seconds to 3 minutes for databases that has not been opened. Similar with some of the operations inside of the XPages. Easy operations that should have been instant (1 second) takes from 3 to 40 seconds in some cases without any apperant reason.
Any suggestions are welcome!