Social Business Toolkit SDK 20130108-1801
Social Business Toolkit SDK 20130108-1801
Jan 9, 2013
Apache License


This is a maintenance release. The team is working hard at making the code rock solid. We'll go with a shorter release cycle going forward. Please, send us your feedback and tell us what you need.

Bellow is the list of the main changes.:

# Bug Fixes

FileService : JS APIs ( Callbacks not getting executed )

Browser specific issues ( Addressed issues related to IE9 )

ActivityStreamService : Java

Activities Samples in Rest category are fixed

Samples JS : Prevented repeated login dialog box in user does not have sufficient rights for executing samples.

# Improvements

Communities JS APIs ( including create operation )

Profiles Service JS APIs

Improved Exception Handling and reporting runtime errors across all services.


JS Services


Known Issues

# Communities ( Java/SmartCloud ) : Samples GetCommunityMembers and Get Public Communities fail intermittently ( as a workaround try clearing the browser cache once you see such issue ).

# Profiles ( Java/Connections ) Samples : Incase of missing data (any failure) user would see a blank output instead of precise error.

# Workaround for setting up development environment

Keystore not found : Change keystoreFile="conf/keystore" to keystoreFile="${catalina.home}/conf/.keystore" in server.xml

NoClassFound errors : Try adding required dependency jars from sbtsdk\source\\lib to tomcat lib ( in case of other application server include these in appropriate lib directory ). 

Jars to be copied are commons-codec-1.3.jar, httpclient-4.0.1.jar, httpcore-4.0.1.jar and httpmime-4.0.1.jar