Date Name Downloads
Mar 12, 2014 Intrapages 323
Feb 2, 2014 Intrapages v2.2 Build 406 651
Jan 26, 2014 Intrapages v2.1 498
Jan 21, 2014 Intrapages v2.0 159
Sep 1, 2013 Intrapages v1.9.1 489
Aug 21, 2013 Intrapages v1.9 234
Feb 10, 2013 Intrapages v1.8 948
Jan 20, 2013 Intrapages v1.7.1 332
Jan 6, 2013 Intrapages v1.6 292
Dec 23, 2012 Intrapages v1.5 216
Dec 9, 2012 Intrapages v1.4 366
Dec 3, 2012 Intrapages v1.3 230
Dec 2, 2012 Intrapages v1.2 151
Dec 2, 2012 Intrapages v1.1 102
Nov 26, 2012 Intrapages v1.0 227
Intrapages v1.9
Intrapages v1.9
Aug 21, 2013
Apache License

v1.9 Build 388





388.3 - Fixed some translation issues in admin

388.3 - Fixed an issue where team room content was shared in home news stream


388.2 - Removed the "make a wish" app as it is not ready

388.2 - Removed the twitter app as the search API is no longer available without authorisation

388.2 - Fixed so youtube videos is seen on the public news site

388.2 - removed tags from public blogg and photos page

388.2 - Added italian language

388.2 - If using the public site of intrapages the link to login now points to home.xsp instead of start.xsp

388.2 - Fixed the latest activites app


387.3 - Fixed an alignment issue in team room status update

387.3 - Changed the word "image" to photo in daily newsletter

387.3 - fixed an issue with status updates being set to wrong type causing activities to be wrong

387.3 - Fixed an issue where feedback comments was sent out with newsletter



387.2 - Added a new box for promoting people to add a profile image

387.2 - Agent TeamRoomUpdate can now only create status updates once a day.

387.1 - fixed an issue where not valid email was sent out

387.1 - Added option to see team room photos and team room news stream photos to photo app

387.1 - Fixed an issue where birthdays was not displayed if there were no other events

387.1 - fixed an issue adding youtube videos if using https

387.1 - fixed email issue in daily news letter

387.1 - fixed an issue with the team room content app showing to much data if user is not a member of any group

387.1 - Added admin option to disable all tags

387.1 - Fixed an issue with downloading file when using https



386 - Fixed an issue with a 404 error during initial load

386 - Tweaked the team room updates feature

386 - Added new field in config for temporary disable agent and some help text

386 - Added a new field i config for setting which user should be the user posing news posts such as the "latest team room activities".

recommended here is to create a user named the same as your intranet. e.g "Intrapages". if you add this user to the settings it will be the user posting the agent news. if you leave this field blank there will be no user, like a ghost news item. 



385 - Enabled a new agent (TeamRoomUpdates) for promting open team room content

385 - Fixed an issue with fullsize image

385 - Added an option to show stream photos in photo app, also works in team rooms and profile

385 - Disabled standby dialog and some other fade effects

385 - Added back a message in news stream if new news is available


384 - Added welcome message that is sent out when user login for the first time (if enabled in settings)

384 - Workflow have a new icon

384 - Added a new app "Feedback" which allows you to request feedback from users


383 - Added notes.ini HTTPJVMMaxHeapSize to admin info tab, (recommended 256M)

383 - Removed the text "Photo" from all lightbox dialogs

383 - Added lightbox photo dialog to stream profile photos when clicked, also added to latest activities and what's up

383 - Added Operating system data to first tab in admin

383 - Added a share image to some buttons

383 - testing a new right side bar for quick short messages

383 - fixed an issue with forgot password when using EN and GB language

383 - Added option to add a link when adding or editing an event



382 - Move a file to new folder and delete a file can now only be made by the creator or the admin

382 - Upgraded standby dialog to v3.1 (by Fredrik Norling)

382 - Change password fields no longer display test in clear text

382 - Edit team room members and moderators are now a sorted picklist

382 - Fixed an ui issue with mobile css

382 - Private messages and replies now convert entered links to clickable links

382 - Added type-ahead for finding tags when adding new images in photo app



381 - Increased the "standby" feature to fade the screen if operations take longer than 2 seconds

381 - when adding a link to comments in newsstream it is now clickable

381 - Added Agent enable/disable to welcome page in Notes client

381 - Fixed an issue with poll questions


380 - Lots of changes to the files area

380 - Added icon to latest announcements

380 - Added type-ahead to folder name in file area (you should enter the (LookupLibrary) view and select all docs and click refresh after aplying this version)

380 - Updated french translation



379 - fixed and issue with admin links in the admin app tab 

379 - Fixed an issue with case sensitive email when using forgot password

379 - fixed some issues with notification dialog

379 - if you enter a link into the status text box (no attach) it is now converted to a link

379 - when attching a link in news post and meta data is missing the link is now clickable

379 - Latest team room content has been added as an app in admin, keep in mind that both lastest activities and latest team room activities are doing a FT search so they might slow down the landing page in a large application. disable in admin to test performance differences

379 - Twitter, News reader and Instagram is now available as different left pane apps, but also in the web app. The Instagram and News reader app is currently making server request so these are quite slow. Twitter is retrieved using client request so this is very fast

379 - Fixed a tag issue with announcement



378 - Fixed an FT index problem where the Tags field was used as numeric value. If you have problems when clicking "tags" you need to delete the ful text index, run compact -c and recreate the fultext index

378 - Allowed admins to be a member of more than 20 team rooms

378 - Added XING as a social network in user profile, all social sites entered is now also showed in user header

378 - Fixed an issue with links in admin



377 - Working on a scheduled script that created automatic updated from open team rooms

377 - Added the content app "Home Content Left" and "Latest Home content Right" these show the latest content created (not team rooms) can be swtiched on/off in admin)


377 - Added Danish language

377 - Fixed an issue when uploading a file or photo in newsstream

377 - Restricted number of team room a user can be member of to 20 

377 - The ActivityStream app can now be filtered 

377 - Added event name to latest events mouseover 

377 - Added better error handling using phaselistener, all errors without try/catch are now logged in log view

377 - Fixed an issue with allowed registration domains


376 - Fixed email from address, all emails are now saved in instead of send to

376 - Fixed an issue with the notification dialog

376 - Fixed a link issue with latest activities

376 - Added more translation


375 - French translation

375 - Fixed an issue with the new cache and events

375 - The "left arrow" is now back in news strean for all except IE6 and 7


374 - Fixes to the new cache


372 - Lots of small fixes

372 - Added left pane links to team rooms

372 - Fixed a few issues with apps in team rooms

372 - Added "Remove from cache" when delete documents

372 - Added add share in home news stream to cache

372 - Disabled old cache

372 - Fixed an issue with emailme

372 - Added more try/catch to admin

372 - New cache handling of news, events, annoucements and birthdays on home.xsp. these documents are now retrieved from a document in the cache view. 


371 - The files app now track unique and total downloads

371 - fixed an issue with user statistics agent

371 - Added inetFrom to xpHTMLMailSSJS

371 - Changed contacts to connections

371 - Updated french translation (Jean-Christophe Augem)

371 - Removed a duplicate icon

371 - Fixed a typo, should be Norwegian


370 - "News filter" and "add your email" can now be toggled on or off in admin

370 - It is now possible to control in admin who can create polls

370 - Login using AD after enter in password field is now working

370 - Fixed a ui issue with apps comment background

370 - Left pane links header is now hidden if there is no links


367 - Fixed an IE7 ui issue in the file area

367 - Fixed an issue with top header logo margin so it looks the same in all browsers

367 - Added a new option to config for automatic redirect to Domino Login if Domino login is enabled

367 - Added sessionAsSignerWithFullAccess to getConfigDoc function (needed to allow other code to use that access)


366 - Added a new stylesheet for IE7 and fixed some ui issues in the news share box for IE7



365 - Changed "following" to "Contacts". User can no longer follow people, only add them to their contact list

365 - Added Norweigan language

365 - Added the option to add custom links to left pane from settings

365 - Added an option to disable comments when adding new files

365 - Fixed a few issues to support IE7 in the news section and the comments.

365 - The right pane activity stream can now be disabled in settings. this could be useful to inprove performance. the activity stream app may still be available in the left pane and can be added to the links section

365 - Fixed an issue with Forgot password/reset password

365 - Available laguages on start.xsp is now also from settings

365 - If new twitter users do not have a space in their twitter name, their twitter name will be the first name in intrapages



364 - Added link in email to unsubscribe to daily news letter

364 - Added a few more tranlsations

364 - Added cursor:pointer to leftmenuitems


363 - Left menu section header can now be clicked to expand/collapse

363 - fixed font size on event headers in event app

363 - Fixed an issue with comments added to wrong news post




358 - Fixed an issue with sharing content

358 - Removed the collapsed apps and content mgmt

358 - Fixed an issue with commenting to wrong post


357 - Added a new jquery plugin for smoother menu handling

357 - Trying out a new feature which hides left menu entries in home page and opens them when mouse over


356 - Enabled RT Editing of announcements on mobile devices. if this works I wil add it to other content as well

356 - Re-enabled hijack 

356 - Changed the dataCache mode from full to id on news stream and latest activities

356 - More fixes to news filter

356 - Added people in list to mouse over in news sidebar

356 - Youtube videos now work for the following urls and

356 - Fixed an issue when posting "video links" ending up as "links"


355 - Added news lists and progress bar to the new sidebar and removed the old sidebar

355 - Fixed an issue where blog and announcements was returning drafts, also in news letter

355 - More fixes for the new sidebar filter

355 - Changed icon for news


354 - Trying out a new filter in the right side bar

354 - Added a key icon to teram room app to show which team rooms are private

354 - Fixed a sorting issue with the new team room content view


353 - Added a new section Team room content. This will display content from all team rooms the user is a member of

353 - Added chinese language


352 - removed "refreshOnShow" on djContentPanes loaded in news homepage. trying this out with cache

352 - Fixed an issue with start section in setting not opening in home page

352 - Changed a few POST requests to GET


352 - You can now add a server file path in settings and display any server files for download in the files app

352 - Fixed comment title and comment title editing photo dialog

352 - Added errorhandling to online list

352 - Improved the daily newsletter



351 - Addd mouseover effect to table rows

351 - 6 photos can now be uploaded at the same time and tags can be added before upload

351 - Editing of About and Help pages is now done directly in place and no longer in admin pane. "only admin"

351 - About, About Public and Help Richtext fields are now stored as HTML. This will prevent formatting loss when editing the config doc in notes client

351 - More ui fixes for ideas and there are now 3 statuses Implemented, Pending and Rejected. these can be set by the creator or by the admin



350 - Implemented idea changed to status, approved or rejected

350 - Language fix


349 - Added implemented action to ideas

349 - Fixed an issue with Company phone number and save in CRM

349 - Fixed an issue with comment mail and new content mail

349 - Fixed an issue with number of idea votes


348 - Ideas not allow voting up and down, and nicer voting icons

348 - Idea subject can now be edited

348 - Fixed a few issues with activity stream for comments

348 - Added more translation labels

348 - Email comments now include subject and comment content

348 - Available languages must now be set by the administrator in settings.