Move your mouse towards the arrow or swipe in from the arrow if you're on a touch device to open.
x3dmenue can be positioned on any side of the screen:
// The element that will be animated in from off screen
menuElement: document.querySelector( '.meny' )
// The contents that gets pushed aside while Meny is active contentsElement:
document.querySelector( '.contents' ),
// [optional] The alignment of the menu (top/right/bottom/left) position
Meny.getQuery().p || 'left',
// [optional] The height of the menu (when using top/bottom position)
height: 200,
// [optional] The width of the menu (when using left/right position)
width: 260,
// [optional] Distance from mouse (in pixels) when menu should open
threshold: 40
Hint: Redundant to say, that it DOES NOT work in IE !!