To quickly install WildFire, drag THIS LINK onto your 'My Widgets' sidebar panel in IBM (Lotus) Notes.
You need to enable My Widgets in your user preferences first.
How many social networks are you a part of? Got Sametime and Connections? Maybe you have multiple of each. Got Twitter as well? Socialtext? Facebook? Wordpress? Bebo? Tumblr? etc etc etc. I bet you have work related networks, personal networks, Yellowverse networks even!
Most of us have many social networks that we try and keep up to date but it is getting harder every day with so many networks. Wildfire! allows you to update multiple communities in one go! You can add all of your networks in the Wildfire application and select which ones to send an update to. You can group them, sort by type, and even view your twitter lifestream from the one interface.
WildFire is a Lotus Notes 8.5 & IBM Notes 9 Sidebar Application to Update Status's across a wide range of Social Networks including Sametime, Connections, Socialtext, Facebook, GTalk, PingFm, Plurk, Tumblr, Twitter, Wordpress, XING and more!
You can also have mulitple of each network type!!
ISW is an Australian IBM Premier Partner and we are pleased to bring you WildFire! You can find our more at .
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Install Instructions:
Simply download the WildFire zip file, extract the contents then go to Lotus Notes.
• File -> Application -> Install.
• Select Search for new features to install.
• Select Add Folder Location
• Browse to the isw.wildfire.update folder previously extracted.
• Tick the isw.wildfire.update object & click Finish.
• On the next screen select all the included features and click Next
• Accept the Agreement, click Next
• Click Finish.
• Select Install the Plug-in and click OK
• Allow the Lotus Notes client to restart when prompted.
• Once Notes is open, WildFire should already be in your sidebar. Click the Settings button to begin creating accounts
Now your Status will spread like WildFire!
Detailed instructions are included in the following video demonstrations:
Install, configure and use WildFire! Pt 1:
Install, configure and use WildFire! Pt 2: