IBM iNotes Javascript code is obfuscated and store in Forms9.nsf, this obfuscated JS code is not convenient for customer to understand when they want to customize. This tool is implemented using Python, the work mechanism is to beautify the JS code through parsing obfuscated code, then map some key word to meaningful word that iNotes source code use, the map file ObfuscationList.txt is delivered in Forms9.nsf file. So for later release of iNotes, end user just get the ObfuscationList.txt file from the latest Form##.nsf and replace it in this tool.
Used 3rd party tool:
1. Python 2.7
2. wxPython 2.8
3. py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.7.exe
1. Unzip the file
2. Go to source\dist folder
3. Execute inotes_unobfuscation.exe
File Introduction:
Source file: sourcecode\inotes_unobfuscation.pyw,,
Build creation file: setup.bat
iNotes 9 map file: ObfuscationList_v9.txt
Build folder: sourcecode\dist
Sample JS file: sourcecode\dist\src\sample.js
Shu Qiang Li is the developer, Niklas Heidloff only committer.