• Multiple File Uploder Controls on one XPage

    By Mikolaj MS Szczepanski 1 decade ago


    Is there any possibility to add multiple controls into one XPage and save attachments in different fields?

    For example:

    1st control saves attachments in field "files"

    2nd control saves attachments in field "files2"

    Tried to make it work but with no luck - the controls are always next to each other, the files are added into one control.

    Thank you for answer.


    • Use a viewScope variable

      By Steve Cochrane 1 decade ago


         I know this is a while later, but maybe this can help someone else.  What I did was use a radio button group to set a viewScope, and in the control, set the field to the viewScope variable.  The "files" hard coded in the XPage's postSaveDocument event is probably preventing you to do this the way you want.

      Good luck!

      Steve in NYC