• I corrected dombulletin bug whith not viewed restrict posts

    By Evgeny As 2 decades ago


    If Category name in dombulletin is writing on other language (not on English) then after thank's redirection ($$Return in form MainTopicWeb or ResponseWeb) not viewed restrict posts

    I corrected this dombulletin12 bug:


    Find in forms MainTopicWeb and ResponseWeb field $$Return

    Add in field $$Return constants

    filter:=@Middle(HTTP_Cookie ; DBID+"filter=" ; ";");

    ui:=@Middle(HTTP_Cookie ; DBID+"
    ui=" ; ";");

    and Find line "else {window.setTimeout('_doWebboardGoToList()' , 3000)}"

    and replace for "else {window.setTimeout('window.location=\"/"+wdbn+"/"+@If(ui="webboardactive";"WebBoardMainActive";"WebBoardMain")+"Categorized?OpenView&RestrictToCategory="+filter+"\"',3000)}"

    1. Also

      Find form $$ViewTemplate for WebBoardSub | $$ViewTemplate for WebBoardSubFlat

      anf find line '['']'



      filter:=@Middle(HTTP_Cookie ; DBID+"filter=" ; ";");



      tmpb:=@If(@IsError(tmpb) ; "" ;tmpb);


      tmp1:=@If(@Length(tmp)>30 ; @Left(tmp;30)+"…" ; tmp);


      tmp2:=@If(@Length(tmp2)>30 ; @Left(tmp2;30)+"…" ; tmp2);


      filter="" ; "" ;

      filter="nofilter" ; "> doGo('nofilter')\">";

      "> doGo('"+filter+"')\">"+tmp1 +"")


      @If(!@IsError(tmp2) ; " > "+tmp2 ; "")


      replace for


      filter:=@Middle(HTTP_Cookie ; DBID+"
      filter=" ; ";");

      ui:=@Middle(HTTP_Cookie ; DBID+"ui=" ; ";");


      —- ***—-


      filter="" ; "" ;

      filter="nofilter" ; "> doGo('nofilter')\">";

      "> "+tmp1 +"")


      @If(!@IsError(tmp2) ; " > "+tmp2 ; "")


      Default dombuletin demand charset=ISO-8859-1 on server http setting for correct working.

      Additional positive effect after my correct:
    2. Disappear main trouble whith not viewed restrict posts in WebBoardMainActiveCategorized?OpenView&RestrictToCategory
    3. We can setting charset=windows-1251 (for russian)
    4. Name attachment in Russian correct viewed
    5. Login in Russian correct viewed :) (not viewed only in thank's redirection :( but that no main)

      Testing: Domino 6.5.2+RU_LP+Windows2003SRV+dombulletin12 Client: IE6 and FireFox1.5

      BRGD, Evgeny.

      netwood at yandex dot ru