• Implementation option

    By Doug Finner 1 decade ago

    In my apps, I like to be able to show the audit trail for a document inside the document whenever possible.  I tried the following with Audit Manager and it seems to work great.

    From the Audit Manager log template, copy the form 'Log' into a the db you want to audit trail 
    From the Audit Manager log template, copy in the view sorted by document id into the db you want to audit trail.
    Change the view to categorized by doc id. 
    Create a subform that includes this new view as a single category view, using @Text(@DocumentUniqueID) as the key. Hide the embedded view on new docs.
Add the subform to any form you want to display the audit trail in. 
In the audit manager config db, set up an audit trail but use the actual db as the log db rather than setting up a new log db.  Exclude edits to the form 'Log'
From what I've seen so far, the actual audit logs are pretty trim so putting the audit logs into a production db doesn't add much to the file size.  With the logs being part of the production db, adding an embedded view that shows audits for the docs in the db is easy.