• Planning for release 20061118

    By Dave Leigh 2 decades ago

    There will be one major change in version 20061118, but it affects most databases. Fortunately, it's a feature that you're hopefully not using yet.

    The Opportunities database will become the Projects database. This is more than a naming issue. The field names in the Global Database Profile will change:

    • ProfileOppsInstalled becomes ProfileProjectsInstalled
    • ProfileOppsName becomes ProfileProjectsName
    • ProfileOppsTitle becomes ProfileProjectsTitle

      Once the update is applied, you'll have to go to the Global Database Profile, edit the Projects values there, and save the change.

      In the Config DB, the agents, (vaCreateOpp) and (vaCreateOppTask) will disappear, to be replaced by (vaCreateProject) and (vaCreateProjectTask).

      In all DBs, any shared actions that refer to (vaCreateOpp), or which hard-code for the Opportunities file are now changed to refer to the Projects file.

      The design and name of the Opportunities database will change as well.
    • The default name database will now be vic_projects.
    • The "Opportunity" form changes to "Project".
    • The "OppName" field in the Project and Task forms will now be "ProjectName".
    • All views are changed to refer to the new fieldnames.


      Because the agents, especially, are used everywhere this might cause some inconvenience on the update. I personally found it easier to replace the design of my production databases rather than refresh the design.

      Of course, I recommend that you TEST THE UPDATE ON A COPY of your system prior to applying the changes.


      I had to think hard about making this change. However, serious work on the Projects database is about to begin and I wanted to get this done while it's still possible. I think this is a better choice than keeping inappropriate and confusing naming conventions in what is basically a new system.