• Create Mail -> Copie to / Subjekt by the automatically generated Mails

    By Seraina Poffet 2 decades ago

    II have any Questions.

    1. When i create a new mail based on a ticket and I insert an user from the addressbook, he don't receive the mail. how can i fix it?

    2. The user receive any information-mails. the subjekt contain the supporter, the ticketnumber and the state. is there an possibility to inform the user which problem this ticket (ticketnumber) include. for some user are more then one ticket open.

    3. In which time i have to accept a ticket and in which time do i have to solve it?

    4. When a supporter create a ticket in the view "supporter" the supporter is called "surname, first name". But when a supporter accept a ticket which is send from an user, the supporter is called "surname/ department(certificate-id)/domain, first name". How can i let show the supporter in only one way?
