• Community Events - getCommunityEvents throws error

    By Steven Rieger 9 years ago

    I receive the following error executing the code below:
    I am running Connections 4.5 with Domino 9.01 FP2 HF384

    I have other connections code running just fine like getting files, and blogs….

    3/5/15 3:50 PM: Exception Thrown
    Context Path:/dblms/lmsIntraNet.nsf
    Page Name:/xpConnectionsLMSEvents.xsp
    Control id: dataView2
    Property: value
    Script interpreter error, line=6, col=119: Unknown member 'getCommunityEvents' in Java class 'com.ibm.sbt.services.client.connections.communities.CommunityService'

     4:                                             startDate.setFullYear(2012,01,01);
     5:                                             var events = communityService.getCommunityEvents( communityId, startDate.toUTCString());

    -> 6: return events;
    com.ibm.xsp.exception.EvaluationExceptionEx: Error while executing JavaScript computed expression

                                            var communityService = new com.ibm.sbt.services.client.connections.communities.CommunityService("connectionsSSO");
                                            var communityId = "39a2302a-f07f-425d-bfcb-54f1b9564268";
                                            var startDate = new Date();
                                            var events = communityService.getCommunityEvents( communityId, startDate.toUTCString());
                                            return events;