• Changing Hostname

    By Gabriel Pop 1 decade ago

    My web environment run on a different port than the standard 80.  Is there any way I can hardcode the port number somewhere?


    The database runs fine on the web, except when the "Chart-RunOnWeb" runs, it redirects back the the standard port. "80" 

    I'm just looking for a place I might be able to force port 8081 so the request looks like  http://server:8081/notesrecon.nsf/........

    • Try the form "Chart Embedded Brower"

      By David Jeyachandran 1 decade ago

      Hi Gabriel,


      I haven't tested this but here's how I think it can be done.
      Open the form - "Chart Embedded Brower"


      There's a field called "Host" with the following formula...
      lookup:=@DbLookup( "": "" ; serverName: "names.nsf" ; "($Servers)"; serverName; "HTTP_HostName");

      That gets the server's http hostname. Try appending the Port Number in this field.

      Let me know how that goes?


      Kind Regards
