• Problems with Categorized views

    By miguel calvo 1 decade ago

    I'm using a view with 52 docs. and 14 categories.  My problem is that  I can see the page with categories list, in my mobile app, but when I click in any category name, nothing happens.

    If I reduce the category names to the first 6 characters, everything is fine. I can navigate from the categories List to the documents List showing the documents under that category.

    When I click in a category, there is a problem shown in the Firebug console

    Digging in the javascript i've isolated the problem to


    mobileControl.js --> function loadDocument(moveTo, id)

    The moveTo parameter is "##Ciudades&unid=\n}\n}\n]\n},\n{\n"@position": "9",\n"@" but it should be something like "##Ciudades&cat=Andalucía" : This value is created programmatically and, I don't know why, in a wrong way.

    Is this limitation or a bug ?

    Thanks for your help,