• Archiving strange behavior

    By Dmitry V Gorbunov 4 years ago

    I couldn't even dream that one application could contain so many useful tools.
    The ability to create archives and process already created archive databases is very useful for me.
    Unfortunately, I encountered an incomprehensible behavior of the agent, who is engaged in this work.
    When processing bases from the list and when choosing a Сut off date condition by date (using Creation Date), the cut-off base contains documents from the user's mail base (standard template for Domino 9), which are newer than those specified in the cut of date condition.
    For example, the cutting condition is 01.01.2019 (Every document before this date) and the Creation Date. Everything older than this date, as well as a small number of documents from 2019 and 2020, gets into the cut-off base. Their number can be from several pieces to several hundreds.
    I checked the Creation date in original database, this date was indeed newer than the cutting conditions.
    Have you faced such a problem? Do you have any ideas how to fix this?
    As this agent works now, i cannot rely on him. It is necessary to recheck and then return the mistakenly transferred documents. If there are hundreds of such bases, then the whole idea loses its meaning.