• Calendar today issue with repeating meetings

    By Chris Kemp 2 decades ago

    In testing Mail Experience 1.7a, I noticed that if you are looking at the calendar today window in the bottom left of the mail screen, if there is a repeating meeting/appointment/etc. scheduled for today, instead of showing the time, event, and location all it does is repeat the time over and over. If it's repeated for 3 or more occurrences it will list the meeting's time 3 times. If it repeats twice it will list the times twice with I believe the event name on the 3rd line.

    This is the only issue that I've come across with this template. Is there something that I can do to correct this before I start to deploy to my users?


    • Possible solution....

      By Vince Schuurman 2 decades ago

      … is to change

      @Trim((stime + etime) : Subject : xxRoom : xxLocation : xxChair)


      @Trim((@Subset(stime + etime;1)) : Subject : xxRoom : xxLocation : xxChair)

      in the subject/location/chair column of the (miniview - calendar today)

      Haven't tested this though so please test carefully.

      • This code worked!

        By Chris Kemp 2 decades ago

        Thanks for your help!