• Denied emails

    By Ole Schmitto 2 decades ago

    I have been using the Kspam for 1 month, and things where working just fine, I used the it including the Baysiean filter, but then 2 customers told us that they have sent us an email, we never receieved, so I looked throug the Domino log file, and yes, there where some entries saying Kspam…. Denied, but isn't there any way I can see tha actual denied email???

    If i am using copy and denied as parameter in notes.ini , would the denied email then be in the Mailspam.nsf??, how do I find it, I know that I have to go trough all the emails, about 100 a day, but I would asume that as a adminstrator that I could easily have a view where the denied emails where, and then decide if it was corret to denied or not….Am I missing something about the Kspam idea??