• Has priority to be unique?

    By Oliver Regelmann 2 decades ago

    I'm wondering wether the priority field in the rules has to be unique or can I just create all rules with a prio of 0 if I don't need a certain order?

    • By Ulrich Krause 2 decades ago

      the priority is some kinda sort order. If you have some rules with priority 0 ( lets say a denied doman ;-) ) and this rule matches, kspam denies this mail regardless of other rules coming later in the list.

      • Thanks

        By Oliver Regelmann 2 decades ago

        >the priority is some kinda sort order. If you have some rules with priority 0 ( lets say a denied doman ;-) )

        Guess what I looked at when this question came to my mind ;-)

        >and this rule matches, kspam denies this mail regardless of other rules coming later in the list.

        OK. I know tools that don't work when several tasks/rules/jobs/whatever have the same priority. That's why I asked.