• License on domBulletin

    By Frode Danielsen 2 decades ago

    What kind of License is the domBulletion released under? (I'd love to get short list of whats allowed and not - not to familiar with legal text or the names of alle the opensource licenses)

    • Being worked right now...

      By Michael Bourak 2 decades ago

      Basically you can use domB for free, customise it for free, provide services around it as long as you mention that the domBulletin part comes from an OpenSouce project.

      The only thing you can not do is sell domBulletin itself or modify it to sell it.

      Does this sound ok ?

    • Is there a formal license yet?

      By Benedict R Poole 2 decades ago

      A lot of organisations like to know what the license is before going further. domBulletin sounds like a good candidate for Apache Software License 2, but it would be good to have the license officially stated.