• "Activating IBM Profiler agent" message missing; what I see

    By dominique pernaud 9 years ago

    I install XpagesToolbox on windows server 2003, Domino 8.5.3 with a different path:
    d:/notes/ instead of the traditional /domino/
    I did change the path in the notes.ini (“JavaOptionsFile=d:\notes\XspProfilerOptionsFile.txt”) and in the XspProfilerOptionsFile.txt (-> -javaagent:d:/notes/xsp/XpagesProfilerAgent.jar)

    I did copy the xpagestoolbox.nsf db on the data root directory (“d:\notes\data\XpagesToolbox.nsf”).

    1st problem:
    I can not see on the console when restarting the server the message “Activating IBM Profiler agent”

    2 nd question:
    As I can not see “Activating IBM Profiler agent”, I test my XpagesToolbox, and using the backend profiler, the time who appears is 0

    It seems that it works as design, following the help document,
    If this agent is not installed,the sized being returned by the memory profiler will always be '0' “the sized being returned by the memory profiler will always be '0'”

    I want to know if I miss a step during installation OR if it works as design (asthe CPU profiler do see the time to “NSF: Load Module”.
