• Uploading from CSV - Error logged when column is okay

    By David Jeyachandran 2 decades ago

    In version 1.2 more error checking was implemented, especially in the upload from Excel. Any dell that begins with a "#" is no longer uploaded. This is because attempting to upload a value of #NA or #DIV/0 may cause Lotus Notes to crash. This has been helpful in minimising issues when uploading from Excel. Unfortunately this has caused another problem. I have found that when uploading from CSV, sometimes columns are not uploaded because Excel records the cell text value as "XXXXXXXX". This can be fixed by opening the CSV file in Excel and expanding the column and saving the file.

    This bug will be fixed in 1.3 that will be released in the next two weeks. The Data Moving Animal will check for a specific error rather than logging an error if it the cell text begins with "#". Currently release 1.3 with this bug fix is in testing.