• getHashValue Change Evaluate(@Pasword()) against session.HashPassword()

    By Norbert Goeth 1 decade ago

    In the CommonFunctionLibrary you need an addition to avoid errors of the GETHASHVALUE-Function


    ' Addition Norbert Goeth 8.6.2009: I need a session to replace the @Pasword-Function by

    ' session.HashPassword, because the @Password-Function leads to errors, if the last character

    ' of the string is a Backslash

    Dim CFL_session As NotesSession

    Sub Initialize

    Set CFL_session = New NotesSession<br/>

    End Sub


    ' Addition Norbert Goeth 8.6.2009: I need a session to replace the @Pasword-Function by

    ' session.HashPassword, because the @Password-Function leads to errors, if the last character

    ' of the string is a Backslash

    Old Code:

    'Generate the Hash value on just the first 40 characters<br/>
    varTemp = Evaluate( {@Password(&quot;} + Left(SearchAndReplace( strTemp, |&quot;|, |\&quot;| ), 40) + {&quot;)}  )<br/>
    'IF the evaluate is not successful (ie. generates an error) varTemp will be a scalar (single value)<br/>
    If Isscalar( varTemp ) Then getHashValue=&quot;&quot; Else  getHashValue= varTemp(0)    <br/>
    Err=0   'We don't want to flag this error. If the Hash value is blank if the evaluate fails<br/>

    %END REM

    • Will implement your suggestion in 1.3

      By David Jeyachandran 1 decade ago

      Hi Norbert,

      Thank you for your suggestion. I will implement this in the next version. My workload eases off in three weeks and I'm looking forward to working on the next release. It will be a major release for the Data Moving Animal.

      Please keep these bugs/requests coming in. I have really benefited from them.

