• Categories on right of wiki page (when in read mode) double-up / duplicate

    By Luis C Contreras 2 decades ago

    After adding or editing docs I have some categories showing up as duplicates. I can eliminate this if I select all docs and refresh them via Notes, but would hate to have to do this often. I can't seem to figure out what actually populates the Categories shown in the right of the wiki page below Main and under Categories just above the search box.

    • By Luis C Contreras 2 decades ago

      Okay, I thought I had figured this out by editing the 1st and 3rd columns of the luCategories view to use @Unique in front of Categories. Nope, did not work.

      So, my workaround is an agent that refreshes all Wiki page documents. But, this is poor workaround since the modified date gets changed; still, it's better than duplicate categories.

      BTW, I have removed the @Lowercase everywhere I could in front of the Categories field in various views and such and now I can get proper case categories.

      Be happy to share the agent if anyone is interested.